Fast aggregation for Chestny Znak

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Welcome to the platform, where you can easily and quickly perform Chestny Znak aggregation for your products. Our unique solution is designed to simplify the process of linking individual marking codes with transport containers such as boxes or pallets. We understand that speed is crucial in today's business environment, which is why our system allows you to reduce scanning and aggregation time by up to 20 times! This means you can complete operations faster than ever while maintaining full transparency and compliance with regulations.

Platform features

Data import from your systems

Nearly any data about your products, orders, consignments and marking codes can be uploaded from a file. No need for manual input! Our tech support service will help you with difficult cases if such need arises.

Data import
Fast aggregation

Fast aggregation

Upload your list of marking codes into the system, and they will immediately be distributed across the boxes. For aggregation, you'll only need to scan one item per a shipping container.

Work with DCT

We have developed specialized software for Android-based data collection terminals (DCTs). Your employees can perform aggregation without any need for a PC or wireless network access.

Work with DCT
Print labels

Reserve barcodes and print labels

The platform features its own label editor and barcode generator. You can create and print labels for boxes and pallets of any format. Additionally, you can print marking codes directly on the website for labeling your products.

Aggregate orders and create waybills

Create aggregations by boxes, pallets, and orders, generate electronic waybills in a variety of available formats. Your customers don't need to register on the service to download the necessary file!

Create waybills
Verify the inbound shipments

Verify the inbound shipments

Verify incoming invoices based on the contents of pallets, boxes, marking codes, or all together. Boxes and codes won't get mixed up!

Our pricing plans

For pricing in other currencies please contact us.

6 000 ₽


До 6 000 pcs. per month
Extra item: 0,30 ₽ per pcs.
Data storage: 30 days
API access: 
Priority support: 

10 000 ₽


До 36 000 pcs. per month
Extra item: 0,15 ₽ per pcs.
Data storage: 30 days
API access: 
Priority support: 

15 000 ₽


До 180 000 pcs. per month
Extra item: 0,10 ₽ per pcs.
Data storage: 60 days
API access: 
Priority support: 

25 000 ₽


До 540 000 pcs. per month
Extra item: 0,05 ₽ per pcs.
Data storage: 60 days
API access: 
Priority support: 

30 000 ₽


До 1 000 000 pcs. per month
Extra item: 0,00 ₽ per pcs.
Data storage: 90 days
API access: 
Priority support: 

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